Black Hawk County Pheasants Forever - Habitat Page
Local Habitat Efforts
Black Hawk County Pheasants Forever's members are truly passionate about creating, preserving and restoring habitat that benefits pheasants, quail and other upland wildlife. This unique model empowers local chapters with the responsibility to determine how 100 percent of their locally-raised conservation funds will be spent.
Whether it's through improving habitat, informing the public about land management or educating future generations of hunting enthusiasts, conservation is the underlying principle in all we do at the grassroots level.
All of us probably know someone or in fact several people who own a farm or even a small plot of land. CP-42 is a subsection of the continuous sign up CRP which is designed to foster bees, Monarch Butterflies and other pollinators. It just so happens it is also be perfect pheasant and other species habitat. CP-42 has demonstrated that it pays extremely well this year. In most cases much better than raising corn or soybeans right now. The annual payments are running over $300 per acres depending on land quality. Contact us to find out mor information.
In 2016 Black Hawk County will be putting in over 4000 acres of CP42! In 2015 Black Hawk County put in over 3600 acres of Iowa Pheasnat Recovery land. Those 2 combined makes over 8000 acres of new habitat in just 2 years!

Creating, restoring, and maintaining habitat is a constant battle. We invite you to join the Black Hawk County Chapter of Pheasants Forever in its quest to ensure a country rich in natural resources and long on people willing to work to preserve them. After all, natural resources - pheasants, quail, and other wildlife, plus the land, air, and water on which they live - are our greatest resources.

Every year the Black Hawk County Chapter has on going projects throughout the community. With our proceeds from fundraising and donations from community leaders, we are fortunate enough to give back, putting all our money in the ground to preserve habitat throughout our region. If you know of a project or would like to learn more about how to help in the effort to preserve your local habitats, please feel free to contact us with any questions.
The Black Hawk County Chapter of Pheasants Forever has assisted the Black Hawk County Conservation Board to acquire 177 acres of land for conservation, hunting, and recreation purposes by providing $25,000.00.
This property is located just north of the La Porte City northern boundary and just east of the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. The 752-acre Brett Klima Wildlife Area adjoins this 177-acre parcel on the north, east, and west.
These 177 acres, along with the Brett Klima Wildlife Area, will be managed for wildlife habitat and hunting purposes. The area will be open for hunting, trapping, and fishing. An access road and parking area will be constructed on the west side of the 929-acre wildlife area. Vehicular access will be restricted. Food plots and winter cover will be planted. Further wetland developments and habitat areas will be investigated. The Black Hawk County Chapter of PF donated $15,000.00 to assist in purchasing this land, in addition to requesting and receiving a matching grant from the Iowa Pheasants Forever Trust Fund. The total cost of this land acquisition was $407,100.00. The Black Hawk County Conservation Board budgeted up to $200,000.00 for this purchase, and the Cedar Valley Wetlands Foundation donated $18,000.00. Some other organizations and agencies contacted for contributions were Ducks Unlimited and The Turkey Federation. In addition, a REAP Grant and a Habitat Stamp Grant were written.
Also, Black Hawk County Chapter Ed Griffith sent out letters to several Eastern Iowa Pheasants Forever chapters in July, requesting chapter donations to assist with this project. Our chapter strongly feels this habitat and hunting area will benefit sportsmen and sportswomen in all of Eastern Iowa
The Blackhawk County Chapter of Pheasants Forever is dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education and land management policies and programs. As part of this mission we help land owners in Blackhawk County Iowa establish habitat to enhance wildlife populations. The following outlines the criteria of our financial contribution:
BH Country PF will contribute up to $600 per land owner per year towards the establishment of wildlife habitat. Approved projects include but are not limited to prairie plantings, food plots and shelter belts. All projects must be approved by the BH County PF Habitat Chair.
Prairie plantings:
- Cost share only available on non-income producing ground (CRP and WRP do not qualify)
- 25% of seed cost
- 100% of actual seeding cost (e.g. drilling, no land prep)
- $600 Maximum contribution
- All seed must be order via Pheasants Forever
Shelter belts:
- 25% of tree/shrub cost
- 100% of planting costs, no land prep
- $600 Maximum contribution
- Trees/shrubs should be secured via Iowa DNR, NRCS or other governmental agency
- Proper shelter belt guidelines shall apply and be approved by BH County PF Habitat Chair before cost sharing will be approved
Food plots:
- BH County PF will supply seed plot seed free of charge up to $600
- Seed must be ordered via Pheasants Forever
- Qualifications for cost sharing
- Land must be in Blackhawk County unless prior approval is granted by BH County PF Habitat Chair
- One cost share per land owner per year of up to $600
- Land owner must be a Pheasants Forever member or be willing to spend $35.00 to join for that year
BH County PF has an annual budget for the establishment of habitat; once this budget has been exceeded some requests may be declined and deferred to another year. All requests will be on a first come, first serve basis with approval coming from the BH County PF Habitat Chair
All extra ordinary situations will be decided by Habitat Chair for BH County PF
Blackhawk County PF will arrange for and reimburse directly to Triple S Seeding in the cost sharing establishment of habitat or to the land owners directly should they have the capabilities to do the work themselves
Cost sharing from BH County PF is considered based on 100% cost. Other cost sharing from other sources does not prevent the contributions from BH County PF. As an example BH County PF will cost share based on these guidelines even though land owners may be getting cost share for CRP establishment from FSA.